Wednesday, May 11, 2005

now repeat after me.

and ethan does. he WILL NOT, and i repeat, WILL NOT acknowledge you if you ask him where his toes are. or if you ask him to bite anything at all? no response. but if you ask him, even once, to bite his toes, he will immediately drop whatever he is doing and attempt it enthusiastically, even if he is standing or if he has to remove his shoes to do so.


i don't get it.

also, echolalia. he doesn't seem to grasp proper call-and-answer protocol in conversation. he knows what i'll say in a given situation, and that's what he'll say. no matter how silly that seems, its what he does. for instance, when he wants me to hand him something, he says "thank you." because when i hand him something, i tell him to say "thank you" afterwards. get it? i also tell him to say "please," or "have that" or any number of things, but "thank you" is what gets through, and evermore shall be. another example: when he hurts himself, he says, "are you okay?" over and over until one of us says it to him. then he he says "ohhh," in a loving way and strokes his head comfortingly until one of us does that. will he say "ouch?" not unless one of us is hurt. but will he ask us if we are okay? oh no. not a chance. *grin*


Ruth Thornhill said...

WOW! Ive babysat for Children with less attention spans! Ethan looks and sounds great!
Where was Ti'ana? From talking with adult children that have siblings with learning disabilities, you should always include them, for they grow up feeling left out! Of course you may have hundreds of hours of video of her since she is older! And that "Mail server" was hillarious! we have ruarl carriers too with like pizza delivery signs on top of their cars or magnets on the sides! Rhiannon pulls stufflike that on me! Using an imaginary doorbell, telling me it coffee break time! Or serving me lunch! Girls are funny! Ian was my house keeper! He had this "dirt Devil vacuum that he was obsessed with! Is there a stronger word? Like I said he never bonded with something cuddlely (SP) But he loved his vacuum!
So Dear Take Care and GOD Bless You and Everyone OUT there! XOXOX Ruth!

Mary said...

Yup. I know this is no surprise, but that's exactly what Bud was doing a couple of years ago. The thing is - it totally makes sense in such a linear, logical way that it makes me wonder how ANYONE ever learns to use language the "right" way. For Bud, that was a developmental step that he outgrew.

Does Ethan reverse pronouns? That was a HUGE hurdle for Bud. We'd look at a picture of him and he'd say "That's you!" and I'd say, "No, Bud, it's YOU!" (Well, duh, Mom, that's what I said...) I didn't think he'd ever get it (because it was a brutally hard thing to teach), and then suddenly he had it. He still reverses "he" and "she" and "him" and "her," but that seems like a minor thing.

Mary said...

And as for the "bite your toes" thing, I think this is because our guys learn things as chunks and not as pieces that are put together to make a chunk. So "Bite Your Toes" is a game, the way "Trivial Pursuit" is a game. So if you were all prepared to play Trivial Pursuit and someone shouted at you "Okay, be trivial!" or "Okay, pursue!" you'd be at a loss as to what it was they wanted you to do, but if they said "Okay, play Trivial Pursuit" you'd start setting up the game board.

hurray said...

Did you getsome pictures of Ethan's birthday? Would love to see them. Did his clothes fit. Don't worry about his speech patterns, he'll figure it out. I do agree with Ruth, however, that you have to be careful that Ti'anna isn't feeling she's not involved. This happened with Sam and Amy. Because of all of Sam's problems, he was the focus of all the attention, and Amy was good as gold, no problem. Now, Amy is acting out and saying "They never paid any attention to be before, why now?" Thanks for the update.