Friday, May 06, 2005

here's a video clip of ethan.

click here

(you will need to have the flash player installed to view this.) it may take a little while to load, but it's worth it. make sure your sound is turned up.

he's saying "whoa" while letting the car seat lid "fall" on him over and over. "whoa" lately has been anything thrilling, such as a sharp turn in the car, a movie with fast camera action designed to cause vertigo in the viewer, or riding a rolling office chair across the wood floor. its pretty plainly illustrated here how unless you spark his interest, he doesn't hear you. also, whenever he pulls his head out long enough to notice one of us has the camera, he runs up to it to observe the little lens inside opening and closing, and makes ham faces to it up close. i was really trying to get him to say "no," but he wasn't in the mood. i tried to irritate him, but to no avail. he was far too busy "whoa"ing...



Mary said...

This boy is BEAUTIFUL!!! And never mind about my pronomial reversal question in my last comment - he did it right here. You said "Ethan, point to your nose," and he pointed to your nose and you said "No, not my nose - YOUR nose!" (HOW do people learn that???)

Almost of the footage I have of Bud at that age is 30 seconds of whatever I'm filming, followed by him spotting the camera and running to it (BIG close up of the face) then getting behind it to look at the picture.

Anonymous said...

i m almost sure you called ethan a "corn-nut" ? LOL

Gwuinifer said...

you heard right! corny, and nutty, all rolled up into one savory package! now available in "zesty ranch!"