Thursday, May 19, 2005


just wanted to straighten something out real quick...

in response to some concerns voiced in the comments recently, ti'anna is far from ignored. she is extremely intelligent, and a lot is expected of her, but the only worry i have for her is that she will end up quite spoiled. i, to my shame, let her get away with so much out of guilt because her brother can do the same thing (and we say its unwittingly) and not be punished for a thing she would get reamed for because she absolutely no question knows better. with ethan we just aren't sure...

i quite honestly prefer spending time with her. she is a great conversationalist, very imaginative, and actually interacts with me. i have to do my best every day not to just ignore ethan because he is so extremely high-maintanence and because my selfishness often balks at giving SO much and receiving SO little in return. the most i will get from him is a flash of adorable smile, maybe a kiss (finally, after nearly three years of waiting for a kiss, i can in fact get one from him- but he still won't call me mom, or even call me anything at all.).

most days i feel like i'm in love with a movie star, whom i worship from a distance, memorize every breathtakingly beautiful line of their face and every line of the scripts that they enact, but know absolutely nothing about WHO they really are.

i am so enthralled when he actually makes a bit of progress, i feel like i'm discovering/uncovering a real person under all the destructive, frustrated, deafening behavior, that i have to write it down just to remind myself that progress IS in fact happening, so i can go back when i'm losing all patience with him, as well as my sanity, and see in black and white that i ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM. even when i feel like i can't stand another minute, like i just want to run away and cover my head up and scream... which more often than i like to admit, is exactly how i feel.

the worst i ever get with ti'anna is short-tempered, when she regresses in order to get more attention. when she whines and acts like she can't put her clothes on (because i still have to dress ethan) or like she can't use her spoon (he still can't feed himself with silverware at all, at three) or that she can't wipe herself (because i'm still changing diapers all day, with no real end in sight). sometimes when i have to close off mentally for a while and let my mind run so i can get out of the moment, and the pressure of having no money, no time, and no more patience, she will ask me the same questions that have no answers over and over until i snap out of it, and snap at her. but i always pick her up and hold her at those moments, because i know she's just imitating me. i will ask her nonsense questions when she is sad to make her laugh and pull her out of her mood, out of herself.

ti'anna, i can relate with. she reminds me so much of myself most days... it makes me cry just to type this. it's ethan i need to learn to be vulnerable with, that i need to learn to love in the way he needs it from me. i know what ti'anna needs, even though i often fail to give it to her. i often fail to do what's right, in many ways, as is the human condition. but with ethan, i don't even know how to get close, so i facsinate myself with him, and love him in the only way he will let me- by trying to help him overcome the huge gulf between himself and the rest of the world. meanwhile, just not lashing out at him is a huge victory...

for instance: ti'anna has never really responded much to cuddling and affection. ethan will ONLY respond to that. sometimes in a moment of sibling jealously, she thinks that being physically affectionate will make her happy, so i endulge her, welcoming her into my arms and lavishing on her all the hugs and kisses i always have inside me for her that she rarely holds still for, but after only a moment she grows restless and wants to get back to her endless pretending.

just like me.

i have heard it said that its painful to realize that your child is like you, as a parent. and in a way, i guess it is. but for me, it is far harder to realize that my son is not like me, to be faced with the possibility of never really understanding him, knowing him, inside. so i do my darndest to fall in love with him all over again every day.

as pointed out to us so adeptly by Jesus when he told us to love our neighbor as ourselves, it is a given that we will love ourselves. of course we do. we know ourselves, and even when we are angry or broken, we always strive to meet our own needs in some way. we let ourselves off the hook for things we would judge others for mercilessly, because we "understand" our own motives, justify ourselves. its our neighbors, who we don't really understand, who are different from us, that are really difficult to love. but I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. and ethan has been a greater bundle of Love, real love, from God, than I could have imagined possible. never have lessons of patience, humility, peseverance, selflessness, self-control, kindness, gentleness, joy in the little things, been packaged in such a precious box and delivered so effortlessly to me. its very easy to love that kid, despite his shenanigans. and the medicine that comes from his spoon is much easier to swallow! and just what i needed, in so many ways...

so for those that voiced concern, thank you, and i appreciate it. but i felt i needed to offer some more information and clarify things a bit. if ti'anna grows up feeling left out, it will be because she has a superiority complex.

just like her mom.



hurray said...

Sorry if I upset you about Ti'anna, I know that I did not give Glynette her full share of attention and partly because she too was so bright and almost adult. I hope you enjoy her and Ethan, I think that's the biggest mistake I made. I simply didn't have or take time to really enjoy any of them, and now I regret that more than anything. Being a good mother includes enjoying them and taking time for yourself. I didn't get that message in time, and I didn't have that from my parents either. Love, Grandmommy

Gwuinifer said...

no offense whatsoever. i simply realized how i made it easy for readers to misunderstand my relationship with ti'anna, and i felt it needed further clarification. everybody needs a different kind of lovin', you know what i mean? i will never claim to be a good parent. but i certainly strive to know my kids. know what they need? maybe not. but know them? that much at least i can reasonably reach for, i think.

Ruth Thornhill said...

I totally didnt misunderstand, I do realize that you do spend time with Ti'ana and that is why I said you probably have hundreds of hours of video tape of her before ethan was born, I feel as though as what you didnt understand, is that you MAY fall prey to the fact that, is possily that, Ti'anna may feel left out in Ethans "progress", and yes her imitation of Ethan with her not being able to dress herself is a sign, and wanting to be fed. But I just feel that is NORMAL sibling rivalry (SP) sometimes:" could it be just that simple" is a phrase i use alot because I feel we want to over diagnose the problem, but I do realize that ethan is special in the sense that he is progressing differently, not necessarily wrong, does that make sense? (I dont know if I am spelling right with some words because I am deslexic and it looks wrong even if it were to be right!)
Ive come to the conclusion that I am going to enjoy my childrn NOW! Today! Most parents/ Grandparents say they were too busy earning money to be with their children. To pay for daycare, and when that big chunk was taken, what little was left the bills. Not us we live paycheck to paycheck. It would cost me an arm and leg to put Ian and Rhiannon in day care in order for me to go to work so what is the point?? I am enjoying my children now! Ive dedicated my dinning room as a Craft room! Ive srtung a piece of 11 ft. string between two nails and Ive hung pictures they have drawn on it to show case their art! Ive framed his Picasso print Ian has colored in the 1st grade Stary Stary Night, by His favorite Artist! I have picture of friends and Family (YOU GUYS) to let then know who you are! Not just some FACELESS NAMES! You are their family!
Ian suprises me at everyturn, rhiannon asthonishes me with her intellect and her reasoning and again Ian is so compassionate, who would have guessd from my boy who wouldnt even look me in the eyes! Now Jason he has suprised me on how respectfull, loyal, and loving he really is... Children, Gwuinifer will chance year to year and to try to "Know" them is insanity! Really! Because just when you think you do, they change and want to get their AA in Culinary Arts (Jason), or they suddenly look you in the eyes and and hold you gaze, if only for a second (Ian), They suddenly find it in their hearts tobuy out of their own money a Crash bandicoot toy for their little brother and you didnt even ask and it wasnt his birthday! (Jason did that for Ian and is Ians Favorite SOFT toy!) your 1 year old daughter counts to 20 forwards and back and says blast off better than her 5 year of brother! (rhiannon), So Gwuinifer take one day at a time, corney huh! I know you know how to Give GOD Glory for every tiny insignificant advancement of Ethans! As far as knowing them, look at what youve read, you do know them! their quirks, their sly ways of getting your attention, so you do know them, they are going to change everyday in some way, insignificant or not!
Take Care and GOD Bless You and Your Family! Ruth!

Gwuinifer said...

ruthie! i don't even notice your spelling, don't be silly!

i strive to know my kids the same way i strive to know my husband the same way i strive to know God.

God (as well as the creatures made in His likeness) can never be fully "known," i definitely agree with you on that. because we are never static. someone really clever once said we shouldn't be called human beings, but human "becomings" because we are constantly changing. sometimes for the better, sometimes not so much, but certainly changing, always. change is the only constant. so in that way, i can never know myself, my kids, or anyone else. and God can never fully be known because He is infinite, and the little picture of this He put in us is this "becoming." you know what I mean?

but the whole point of life is to know each other, and to know God. and i mean knowing more like the way Adam "knew" his wife than how i "know" my times-tables. *grin*

what you're talking about, what you mentioned that you are staying home with the kids, that you are throwing conventions about "keeping house" and "polite behaviour" to the wind for the sake of relishing your relationship with your family, is EXACTLY the point! that is the closest to knowing them you can hope for, and it can't just be done once and "that takes care of it," right? it has to be new every day, your commitment, your purpose, renewed. otherwise, life passes by, and you find yourself with a family you don't know, not knowing when they stopped being your kids and started being strangers...

i think one of the hardest things for me to accept as a kid was that my mom treated us differently. one of us was her cuddly kid, one got disciplined more and more harshly, another got in trouble for "accidents" while others were excused, etc. i thought it was unfair, the same way i thought it was unfair for the grown-ups to get bigger slices of cake.

part of adolescence for me was realizing the folly of that little resentment. everyone is different, and everybody needs different things. what would TRULY be unfair would be to treat everyone the same way, regardless of their needs or wants. the cuddly kid doubted their self-worth, and suffered from insecurity, but wasn't linguistically gifted and had trouble expressing that need she had. the kid who got in trouble harder and more often turned out to be a very stubborn fellow, who has a hard time getting things into (or out of) his head, but also is extremely loyal and has an amazing moral sense of right and wrong, and dogged ideals worth applauding. the kid who got in trouble for "accidents" and being absent-minded turned out to be an extremely intelligent (and slightly self-centered) person, who often neglects her basic duties and says things thoughtlessly that hurt people, but has learned that being mindful of her self and others IN THE MOMENT is the surest way to conquer her failings.

we are going to fail our children. that is what seperates us from God. we are always changing, and therefore unknowable. God is never-changing, but infinite, and therefore unknowable. but we can learn to love each other, and learn about each other, and learn about God, and that is the best we can attain.

my idea of heaven is "knowing, and being fully known," like Paul wrote. heaven is where my lifelong wish to plug a quarter-inch jack into my head, and the other end into someone else's, and see everything through their perspective directly without my own opinions, experience, prejudices, and limited language mucking it up, and have them get the same from me. only then will we really know compassion... *sigh* i can't wait.