Monday, January 16, 2006


I realize I promised Thanksgiving pictures almost 6 weeks ago- but then there was Christmas, then New Year's, than birthdays, and woosh- time flies. The fun doesn't stop after New Year's Day around here- it keeps up until the end of January. We have 7 birthdays in the immediate family in January... *whew* I used to have several friends adding to this mix, but I eventually started hanging out with a more diverse crowd... *laugh* To complicate the photos situation, Tim and I hosted all the holiday parties this year for family/friends, so there was precious little time for shuttlebuggery. What few pictures I managed to snap on Thanksgiving before all the guests arrived and the last fifteen-minute prep frenzy I have combined here in a collage- all I have to say is my house sure looks a lot nicer in candlelight! Click on the image for a larger pic.

Ti'anna's 5th birthday is in a few weeks- I shall do my best to take more then. We're hoping to keep it pretty low-key, as we are practically partied out. (Motivationally and monetarily speaking!)

Oh, and Ethan is reading.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posting, like to know you are well, even if very, very busy. How do you manage to do so much for others in your family? Hope Ti'anna has a great birthday, and I do look forward to some pictures of her. You home does look lovely in candlelight, but I'm sure it looks nice without them. Don't work too hard, you'll wear out young. Love, Grandmommy