Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Our newest family member!

Our kitten. We think her name is most likely going to be Cleo. But there's some voting for Chloe. And a half-hearted vote for Sweetie. (Swiftly vetoed by the powers-that-be.)

We'll keep you posted as the election rages on.

The kitten is, in fact, male.
Where's the complaint department? The pet store assured me it was a female, I was VERY clear with them. *sigh* Ah, well. We've all been calling him a "her" and the name Cleo was finally settled upon when we discovered *ahem* the true nature of the creature. Ti'anna was looking through a cat care book and pointed out to me the "three dots under the tail" from the section on how to differentiate your kitten's gender. Cleo has three dots, sure as day.

Anyways, after another week of debating names--
Final votes came in:
Ti'anna: "Taggerung"
Ethan: "George"
Dad: "I don't care, what's wrong with Cleo for a boy?"
Mom: "How about Pigwidgeon? Or Crookshanks?"

Finally it was settled-- Dad said, "Look, guys- we all already think of her/him as Cleo, short for Cleopatra. Why not just change his name to Cleopatrick?"

And so it was.